Resolutions & Ordinances

The following resolutions and ordinances have been passed by the WCRSD board.


2018-1 Authorization for WCRSD to receive grant and loan funds 9/25/2018
2021-1 Meeting Schedule Calendar 2021 1/11/2021
2021-2 PER Recommendation 2/15/2021
2021-3 SRF Loan Program Signatory Authorization 2/15/2021
2021-4 Document Execution Authorization Resolution 2/15/2021
2021-5 Drug Free Work Place 3/8/2021
2021-6 SRF Loan Program PER Acceptance 9/13/2021
2021-7 SRF Loan Program Signatory Authorization 9/13/2021
2021-8 Signatory Authorization 9/13/2021
2021-9 Authorizing Officer/Agents to Conduct Business 9/13/2021
2021-10 Meeting Schedule Calendar 2022 12/13/2021
2022-1 Credit Card Authorization 2/15/2022
2022-2 SAMS Registration 2/15/2022
2022-3 Subrecipient Agreement 4/11/2022
2022-4 District Asset Management Plan 5/9/2022
2022-5 Meeting Schedule Calendar 2023 11/14/2022
2023-01 Authorizing Officer/Agents to Conduct Business (amend 2021-09) 7/12/2023
2023-02 Meeting Schedule Calendar 2024 11/13/2023
2024-01 PER Acceptance Resolution 5/13/2024
2024-02 SRF Loan Signatory Approval 5/13/2024
2024-03 Meeting Schedule Calendar 2025 12/9/2024
2025-01 Transfer of Website 3/10/2025


2020-1 Bond Ordinance 1/11/2021
2021-1 Rate Ordinance 2/15/2021
2022-1 Sewer Use Ordinance 4/11/2022
2022-2 Bond Ordinance - Phase 2 5/2/2022
2022-3 Rate Ordinance - Phase 2 5/2/2022
2022-4 Internal Controls Ordinance 5/9/2022
2022-5 Authorizing Pre-Approval of Claims 7/11/2022
2022-6  Bond Ordinance - Phase 3 [Part 1] [Part 2] 11/7/2022
2022-7 Amendatory Rate Ordinance - Phase 3 11/7/2022
2023-1 Purchasing and Procurement Ordinance 5/8/2023